The Gold of Revelation (Volume 3)

The Proverbial Revelator returns, by the might of his God, he returns! Although his soul was cast down into the depth of a deep pit, his God was, and always is, his Light.

The Lord’s felicitous one for this occasion, as all are well-versed and uniquely crafted for their service and designation, has crafted many sayings that aim to empower the ones who truly seek the Wisdom of God. These proverbs give instructions for requiring everything requisite for upright living, and the living do well to pay attention to it.

The humble ones who are willing to learn will soon acquire much, but those whose aim is to make a fine show in the flesh will be exposed before the assembly. Lift not up yourself to debate with the Almighty because of your plight—for no human wisdom is suffice for the occasion—and do not be scurrilous towards His knowledge.

Do not spurn your time at the throne, for the favor is rare and special, and only those who reverentially fear Me and obey My commandments may enter My kingdom.

So do not be opprobrious towards this lowly man of wisdom, who speaks frankly—to understand wise proverbs—for O how forcible are the words of straightforward speech!