The Gold of Revelation (Volume 2)

The Gold of Revelation: Volume 2 is organized into four parts (parts 4 to 7, as volume 1 contained parts 1 to 3). Starting with part 4, entitled, the Proverbs of Wisdom, one will encounter: “A watch is set to the years (of a man), and a sovereign hand his months”. One will progress to the Sayings of the Wise and Regard Reproof and Heed Instruction, where one shall find: “Poets pen pleasing poems, and an army goes to war over gold or a soul worth much more to the one who reigns in the kingdom.”

The final section is about wise men, fools, and the providence of God, which begins with: “There are those who rise up much, and speak folly at their will”. The very last chapter is my declaration of victory!

Consider also now that these proverbs are profitable for instruction, correction and reproof, for learning obedience and training in righteousness. They are open to the wise and the unwise, the schooled and the unschooled, the skilled and the unskilled, that all may learn wisdom, understanding and discernment and the practical insight of prudence.